" NADA + " CD
1 - Yellow ,Green , 2 - Nomadic tribe , 3 - Nomadic tribe Mitsu the Beats Remix
4 - NADA , 5 - Moravian waltz , 6 - Penta Hronya "cover arr." , 7 - Da zna zora "cover arr." , 8 - An , 9 - Nanna , 10 - Moravian waltz Mitsu the Beats Remix
11 - Nomadic tribe No.9 Remix
all songs composed by Otoji + Ray
Otoji - double bass , Ray - violin, vocal,beat
A-5 piano Masahiro Bocchi Takahashi
この夏先行配信されたシングル ”Moravian waltz (DJ Mitsu The Beats Remix)”、”Nomadic tribe (No.9 Remix)” 特別な2作をプラスしたコンパイル盤CDアルバム。
NADA= tears, nothing , hope. 今まで旅した縁ある土地で、それぞれ意味を持つ言葉。2020年より現在へ異国の地に想いを馳せて、旅を感じる幻想的で美しい音楽を体感してください。
In the fall of 2021, one year after the released of the album "NADA" LP12 inch, this record that has been well received is now on CD!
A compilation CD album with two special tracks, including the pre-digital released singles "moravian waltz DJ Mitsu the Beats Remix" and "Nomadic tribe No.9 Remix".
NADA= tears, nothing , hope. One word that has a different meaning in each of the lands we have traveled to. From 2020 to the present, think about a foreign land and experience the fantastic and beautiful music that makes you feel like you are traveling.
In the fall of 2021, one year has passed since the release of the album NADALP 12 inches, and this record has become a CD, Loved by music lovers!

Album "NADA" LP 12inch. analog record
Otoji+Ray の真骨頂 音で旅するアルバムが、初めてのアナログ盤で発表! ストリングスによるクラシカルな色彩の中に、グルービーなベース、エフェクト、ビートが絡み合う。全てはベー スとバイオリンの音色の魅力を、最大限活かす表現として精密に構築されている。 そして、バルカン半島の 民謡やジプシー音楽からインスパイアされた旋律が、時に情熱的に、時に哀愁と黄昏を。 初めての試みとして、リミックス1曲 DJ Mitsu the Beats、 ピアノトリオとして1曲 Masahiro BocchiTakahashi が参加。 シンプルな弦楽奏から、アンビエント・民謡・ビートまで、Otoji+Rayが異国の地で得たインスピレーションと打ち込みでの表現の挑戦、そして純粋に音楽への情熱が詰まった “trip strings album” 完成。
A new album that travels with true sound is announced on the first analog record! Groovy bass, effects, and beats are intertwined in the classical colors of strings.Everything is precisely constructed as an expression that maximizes the attractiveness of the base and violin tones. And the melodies inspired by Balkan folk songs and gypsy music are sometimes passionate and sometimes melancholy.For the first time, one remix DJ Mitsu the Beats and one piano trio Masahiro Bocchi Takahashi participated. From simple string orchestra to ambient, folk songs, and beats, The “trip strings album” is completed, which is filled with the inspiration that Otoji + Ray got in a foreign land, the challenge of expression with beat DTM, and the pure passion for music. October 2021
A1 - Yellow ,Green
2 - Nomadic tribe
3 - Nomadic tribe Mitsu the Beats Remix
4 - NADA
5 - Moravian waltz
B1- Penta Hronya "cover arr."
2 - Da zna zora "cover arr."
3 - An
4 - Nanna
all songs composed by Otoji + Ray
Otoji - double bass , Ray - violin, vocal,beat
A-5 piano Masahiro Bocchi Takahashi
2021 Otoji +Ray

" a picture" CD
"a picture"
1- Balkan's note , 2 - o.b.a#1 , 3 - Dokuro kun , 4 - Little wing , 5 - Shofar , 6 - pipeline , 7 - 春 , 8 - D'rays , 9 - Plava sava spava , 10 - CLEAR , 11 - Kokyo
all songs composed by Otoji+Ray
Otoji - double bass , Ray - violin, piano, vocal
2, guest vocal - Gen Nagashima
9, guest voice - Bekim Sejranovic
2015 Otoji +Ray
それぞれの曲の世界観が映像として浮き出るような視覚的音楽アルバム「a picture」。
エフェクトやルーパーを駆使したストリングスアレンジを、ビートや歌詞を添えて形にしたオリジナル作品。2020年5月、突然他界してしまったボスニア人作家、べキム・セイラノヴィッチの自身の本、Plava sava spava の詩を朗読した貴重な声のトラックも収録されている。(この彼の著作は、ドキュメンタリー映画 "from Tokyo to the Morava river の旅の後、その経験をを基に書かれた作品である。)
A visual music album "a picture" that brings out the world view of each song as a video.Expressing across genres from classical chillout to trip hop, jazz, and rock numbers. An original work in which strings arrangements that make full use of effects and loopers are added with beats and lyrics.
It also includes a valuable voice track that recites the poem of Plava sava spava, the book of Bosnian writer Bekim Seiranovich, who died suddenly in May 2020. (This Book is based on his experience after a trip to the documentary film "from Tokyo to the Morava river.)"
Sound track of film "From Tokyo to the Morava river" CD
"Sound track of film from Tokyo to the Morava river"
1- Opening , 2 - OJ-Goro , 3 - Boat trip , 4 - Adriatic , 5 - o.b.a , 6 - Sunset of Sava river , 7 - Jovano Jovanke , 8 - Balkan's note bonus track
all songs composed by Otoji+Ray
Otoji - double bass , Ray - violin, piano
4,7 - Guitar - Moku Teraoka
8, voice - from film peoples.
2015 Otoji + Ray
寺岡黙監督作品 ドキュメンタリーフィルム「バルカンへ ~From Tokyo to the Morava river」のサウンドトラック。2009年、寺岡監督が編集した映像を受け取り、衝撃を受けた。
そこには、全く無知の世界であった“バルカン半島”という、混沌とした土地に生きる人々の生活があり、どこか懐か しさを感じる民謡やジプシー音楽で溢れ、多様な宗教が絡み合っていた。
そんなバルカン半島にインスピレーションを受けたテーマソング「Sunset of Sava river」を始め、国や宗教にかかわらず多くの人々が馴染みのあるトラディショナル曲「Jovano Jovanke」等、Otoji+Rayの作曲概念に、 大きく影響を与えた作品となっている
The soundtrack to the documentary film "From Tokyo to the Morava river" directed by Moku Teraoka.
In 2009, I was shocked to receive a video edited by Director Teraoka.
There is the life of people living in the chaotic land of the "Balkan Peninsula", which was a completely ignorant world, filled with folk songs and gypsy music that feels nostalgic for him, and various religions are intertwined. rice field.
Including the theme song "Sunset of Sava river" inspired by the Balkan Peninsula, the traditional song "Jovano Jovanke" that many people are familiar with regardless of country or religion, etc. It is a work that has influenced.